My name is Farhat Afzal and this blog is an accumulation of all my writings, thoughts and opinions.

A passion for learning prompted me to take up architecture as an academic choice. Since graduating in 2015 from American International University – Bangladesh with a B.Arch degree, I have focused on writing and researching. I was a full time contributor in New Age from 2015 to 2017 and have also contributed articles in The Daily Star. I am currently enrolled as a doctoral student in the architecture program at the College of DAAP, University of Cincinnati.

I have over six years of experience in academic research, publications, and large-scale international exhibitions. She was involved in various capacities in architecture education, historical research, and exhibition planning at both local and international levels. My research interests are in the history of Indian art and architecture, 19th century architectural historiography, modernism in South Asia, and the colonial legacies of western ethnological museums. In my spare time, I enjoy photographing old buildings, documenting my reading habits on Instagram, and maintaining her blog here at