In the Introduction to Companion to Public Space, Vikas Mehta and Danilo Palazzo make one of the most important observations in the first paragraph, where they write about how private sectors often try to regulate access to public spaces to “limit dissent.” This suggests that any kind of difference in opinion, or protests for that […]
Le Corbusier’s Towards a New Architecture, originally published in 1923, emerged around the same time as fascism and colonial regimes were developing in Europe as well as other parts of the world. A lot of the general dogma surrounding colonization was infiltrating the conversations about architecture during that period. As a result of which, Corbusier […]
Bangladesh, along with other parts of the world, has witnessed an increasing amount of environmental disasters as a result of climate change. On the other hand, due to poor planning and lack of regulations, more new hazards are on the rise in our cities. As the country turns fifty this year, it is high time […]
When looking at the Bengali landscape through an aeroplane window, we see scattered settlements with mostly water, paddy fields, trees, and some paths. Additionally, there is also the plane itself being inserted into the scenario, where it acts as the spectator. “The will of the aeroplane represents to me the real spectator who gazes out […]
[This article was previously published in The Daily Star on 9th August, 2018.]